
Live Mesh

Det surras om Live Mesh ... a “software-plus-services” platform that enables individuals and organizations to manage, access, and share files, data and applications from anywhere.

There’s been a bunch of buzz about “the mesh” since Ray Ozzie alluded to it at last month’s MIX Conference. As Ray said there, we’ve been exploring the concept of “the mesh” for a couple of years now.

We started by asking ourselves a series of questions about our own digital lifestyle experiences, and examining the role of the web in our lives. We examined many of the ways the web is becoming more central to us – both workstyle and lifestyle. We’re friending, twittering, digging, tagging and linking to stay in touch, share photos, be entertained, meet new people, express our opinions, learn, and the list goes on.

Devices are how we interact in this new “web connected” world and we use a variety of them, including PCs, laptops, media devices, phones, digital picture frames, game consoles, music players and the list grows at every CES. However, as we discover, adopt and use more of these digital devices, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the people, information and applications we depend on in sync... (Hela artikeln: Windows Live Dev blog)

Mer info: Exploring the Live Mesh Platform.

Testa Live Mesh tech preview: http://www.mesh.com/ 


Anonymous Gustaf Brandberg wrote:

Joel Spolsky är inte så imponerad av Ray Ozzie: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2008/05/01.html

09 maj, 2008 17:09  
Blogger Johan Dewe wrote:

Hehe, ja han är verkligen en sharp shooter. Sågar allt mellan himmel och jord, och allra mest Ray Ozzie. Undrar vad han gillar... Låt mig gissa: Richard Stallman? Förutom FogBugz då.

11 maj, 2008 22:34  

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