
Vad du kan vänta dig som SharePoint-utvecklare...

Funderar du på att börja med SharePoint? Här är en kul (och sann) artikel av Eric Shupps [MVP] om vad det innebär att bli SharePoint-utvecklare:

SharePoint development is not about wizards and IDE's – it's about raw code, XML (CAML), and a generous helping of elbow grease ...

... for VB/C# and ASP.NET developers, transitioning to SharePoint is like catching a bucket of ice water with your face on a chilly winter morning.

Let's face it – Microsoft has done a really good job over the last decade making repetitive programming tasks virtually extinct. Control libraries, project templates, database connections, event wireups – all the things which get done for you in Visual Studio with a few clicks in a wizard are suddenly missing in SharePoint and that causes a lot of heartburn for newbies.

Whether that's good or bad is relative; I would argue that knowing how to do things by hand makes you a better programmer in the long run but many people don't see it that way. Regardless, that's how it is (at least for the time being), so get used to it.

Hela artikeln, inklusive lite länkar att starta med: SharePoint Development for the Masses.

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