Konfigurera SharePoint 2007 för multipla inloggningsmetoder
...describes how you can create and configure a MOSS 2007 Publishing Site that will satisfy the following requirements:
- Allow content owners/authors to authenticate on the site using their corporate Active Directory credentials in order to manage the Web site's content.
- Allow unauthenticated, anonymous users, to browse the unrestricted areas of the Web site.
- Require anonymous user to provide a friendly Web-based form to login in order to consume restricted content.
- Setting up and configuring a data store to keep the Internet user's credentials
- Creating two Web applications, one for each authentication mechanism
- Configuring the Web applications to communicate with the data store
- Enabling Forms Authentication on one Web application
- Enabling anonymous access
- Configuring a section of the site for authenticated users only
Läs hela artikeln här med detaljer och screenshots här: HOWTO: Configuring a Office SharePoint Server 2007 Publishing Site with Dual Authentication Providers and Anonymous Access
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